If this is your first time on the blog and has a hard time of navigating it, the following map-esque whatever should help you out.
a. HOME- A static page that contains a slideshow of one of my most favorite MMORPGs of all time, R.O.S.E Online (Rush on Seven Episodes).
b. BLOG- This is probably the most important part of the blog as this is where you can find every post that I wrote. If you want to stay updated of my gaming journey, then, this is the place to visit.
c. ABOUT- A series of sections that should help you in getting to know yours truly. Should tell you that I'm not a mutated monkey that came out from one of the virtual worlds you've visited.
- about the blog- THIS.
- bio- Aw. I know you're crazy about me so this should satisfy your hunger for a while.
- what the faq!- You think you know me but you actually don't. Go on and read this. I'm just tired answering all your questions.
- policies- Mostly about not being a jerk in the comments section but there are also mentions about intellectual property and advertisements somewhere in the page.
- disclaimer- Transparency. Period.
d. GAMEOGRAPHY- Because why not? When I die, I have this list to prove that I once existed in the virtual world.
e. INDEX- A list of links for gaming guides, tips, stories and what nots. I'm not usually a mean person, ya know.
f. RATINGS- Want to know my favorite/hated games? Check this out.g. CONTACT- I know I'm a goddess but I ain't that unreachable. Feel free to drop me a message. You can also e-mail me at kitsune.contact@waywardkitsune.com with the subject as GAME NOW, WORK LATER.
h. RESOURCES- List of all blogging and gaming resources that I've used for the existence, design, and management of this blog and games that I'm playing.
i. GALLERY- Should bring you directly to my imgur photo gallery that contains all my gaming photos.